
Getting it right for customers every time is at the very heart of our business strategy

Our customer commitment

Our customer commitments are what every customer can expect from RSA.

A satisfied and loyal customer base is core to our business. That's why striving to do the very best for customers every day is at the heart of our ambition.

We might not get it right every time, but we're working very hard to get better. We are committed to:

  • Delivering consistent and reliable levels of customer service;
  • Acting with integrity, due care and diligence;
  • Communicating openly, honestly and with sensitivity and understanding;
  • Listening to our customers;
  • Handling complaints fairly and promptly;
  • Respecting our customers’ rights to privacy and confidentiality; and
  • Protecting our customers and our business from fraud.

Feedback and complaints

We are genuinely grateful for all feedback—it's crucial to helping us improve how we serve our customers. If you feel that we haven't lived up to our commitments, we want to hear from you. Email our Customer Relations team at

We also regularly document all customer complaints with the Financial Conduct Authority.

Download our most recent summary

Previous summaries